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List of songs by Slavko Avsenik : ウィキペディア英語版
List of songs by Slavko Avsenik
This is a list of songs by the folk music composer and performer Slavko Avsenik (1929–2015). Avsenik wrote around 1000 songs altogether, in Slovene and German.

* Aljažev stolp (Aljaž Tower)
* Bele lilije (White Lilies)
* Breze v vetru (Birches in the Wind)
* Casanova
* Cvetlični valček (The Flower Waltz)
* Cvetoče tulpe (The Flowering Tulips)
* Cvetoči lokvanj (The Flowering Water Lily)
* Čakala bom (I Will Wait)
* Čar Julijskih alp (The Charm of the Julian Alps)
* Če prideš nazaj (If You Come Back)
* Če te Gorenjc povabi (If an Upper Carniolan Invites You)
* Če te Gorenjc povabi in malo mešano (If an Upper Carniolan Invites You and a Little Mixed)
* Če vinček govori (If the Dear Wine Talks)
* Če zunaj dežuje (If It Rains Outside)
* Čevapčiči in ražnjiči in dobra kaplica (Čevapčiči and Grilled Skewers and Good Wine)
* Čez korensko sedlo (Over the Koren Saddle)
* Čez Ljubelj (Over the Ljubelj Pass)
* Čujte me, čujte, mamca vi (Hear Me, Hear, You Mummy)
* Dedek mraz prihaja (Grandfather Frost Comes)
* Dedek pridi na ples (Grandpa Come to the Dance)
* Dilce se lomijo (The Planks Break)
* Dišeče rože (The Fragrant Flowers)
* Dobro jutro striček Janez (Good Morning Uncle John)
* Dolge so noči (Long Are the Nights)
* Domače veselje (The Home Joy)
* Dopust se bliža (The Holiday Is Coming)
* Drija drajsom polka (Drija Drajsom Polka)
* Družinski praznik (The Family Feast)
* Drvarska polka (The Lumberjack Polka)
* Ej, takšni smo vsi (Hey, We're All Like That)
* En, dva in tri (One, Two and Three)
* Enkrat ja, enkrat ne (Once Yes, Once No)
* Enkrat levo, dvakrat desno (Once Left, Two Times Right)
* Enkrat na leto praznujem (Once a Year I Celebrate)
* Fant s kitaro (The Boy with the Guitar)
* Fantje, zdaj pa domov (Fellows, Let's Go Home Now)
* Fantovsko veselje (The Boy's Joy)
* Franc vseved (Franc the Know-All)
* Gasilec Franc (The Firefighter Franc)
* Godrnanje in meketanje (Growling and Bleating)
* Gor pa dol (Up and Down)
* Gozdarjeva povest (The Lumberjack's Story)
* Gozdovi v mesečini (Forests in the Moonshine)
* Gremo na Gorenjsko (Let's go to Upper Carniola)
* Gremo na ples (Let's Go to the Dance)
* Gremo na Pokljuko (Let's Go to Pokljuka)
* Ha, ha, Košir se še ne da (Ha, ha, Košir Doesn't Yet Give Up)
* Harmonika in orglice (The Accordion and the Harmonica)
* Hodil po gozdu sem (I Walked Through the Forest)
* Holadri holadra
* Hopla-hopla polka (Hopla–Hopla Polka)
* Hribovski valček (The Hill Waltz)
* Igral sem na orglice (I Played the Harmonica)
* Ivanka
* Iz Bohinja (From Bohinj)
* Iz Hotemaž v Tupal´če (From Hotemaže to Tupal´če)
* Iz naših krajev (From Our Places)
* Izlet na deželo (The Trip to the Country)
* Izlet na Jamnik (The Trip to Jamnik)
* Izlet v Istro (The Trip to Istria)
* Jadraj z menoj (Sail with Me)
* Jadranje nad Gorenjsko (Sailing Above Upper Carniola)
* Jaz pa pojdem k ljub'ci v vas (I Go to Court My Sweatheart)
* Jaz sem pa en Franc Košir (I Am One Franc Košir)
* Je že 35 let (It Is Already 35 Years)
* Je že pač tako (It Just Is So)
* Jej, jej, k'mam težko glavo (My, O, May, My Head Is So Heavy)
* Jesenska polka (The Autumn Polka)
* Jubilejna koračnica (The Jubilee March)
* Juhej, zavriskaj in zapoj (Juhey, Shout and Sing)
* Jurčki in lisičke (Porcinis and Chanterelles)
* Jutranja zarja (The Morning Dawn)
* Jutranjica na obzorju (The Morning Star on the Horizon)
* Jutro na deželi (The Morning in the Country)
* Južek in Marta (Južek and Marta)
* Kadar bom vandral (When I Will Bum Around)
* Kadar grem na Rodne (When I Go to Rodne)
* Kadar na rajžo se podam (When I go to a Travel)
* Kadar pridem na planinco (When I Come to the Little Pasture)
* Kaj da rečem (What to Say)
* Kaj pa reče mamca moja (What Does My Mummy Say)
* Kako bi jo spoznal (How to Meet Her)
* Kakor je tud' res (As It Is Also True)
* Kam tako hitiš (Where Do You Hurry So Much)
* Kje je sreča (Where Is Happiness)
* Klemenčkova (The Klemenček Polka)
* Klic domovine (The Call of the Homeland)
* Klic z gora (The Call from the Mountains)
* Kmalu spet nasvidenje (Goodbye Soon)
* Kmetič praznuje (The Little Farmer Celebrates)
* Ko bom k vojakom šel (When I Go to the Army)
* Ko boš tod mimo šel (When You Go Hereby)
* Ko lovec na štoru je spal (When the Hunter Slept on a Stump)
* Ko mesec sveti (When the Moon Shines)
* Ko se zjutraj prebudim (When I Wake up in the Morning)
* Koledniška polka (The Carol Singer Polka)
* Komedijanti prihajajo (The Comedians Come)
* Koračnica Julijskih Alp (The Julian Alps March)
* Koroška polka (The Carinthia Polka)
* Kraguljčki na saneh (The Sleigh Bells)
* Krivci mojega klobuka (My Hat's Brims)
* Križi in težave (Worries and Problems)
* Lahovška polka (The Italian Polka)
* Le kdo ve (Just Who Knows)
* Le vrni se (Just Come Back)
* Leo je zaljubljen (Leo Is in Love)
* Lep spomin, ljubica (Nice Memory, My Dear)
* Lepe ste ve Karavanke (You're Beautiful the Karawanks)
* Lepo je biti muzikant (It Is Nice to Be a Musician)
* Lepo je s teboj (It Is Nice to Be with You)
* Lisička in Marička (The Little Fox and Little Mary)
* Ljubezen in hrepenenje (The Love and the Longing)
* Ljubici v slovo (To the Dear in Goodbye)
* Ljubljanska noč (The Ljubljana Night)
* Lov na polhe (The Doormouse Hunt)
* Lovci prihajajo (The Hunters Come)
* Lovska koračnica (The Hunter's March)
* Lovska trofeja (The Hunting Trophy)
* Luštna kelnarca (The Spiffy Waitress)
* Lutka (The Doll)
* Majski valček (The May Waltz)
* Mavrica čez Gorenjsko (The Rainbow Over Upper Carniola)
* Med rojaki v Ameriki (Among the Compatriots in America)
* Melodija za tebe (The Melody for You)
* Mi ne gremo na drugi planet (We Won't Go to Another Planet)
* Mini-polka (The Mini–Polka)
* Miss Kaktus (Miss Cactus)
* Moj Floki (My Floki (dog ))
* Moj hobi (My Hobby)
* Moj očka ima konjička dva (My Daddy Has Two Little Horses)
* Moj rodni kraj, moj rodni dom (My Birth Place, My Birth Home)
* Moja zlata Mišika (My Golden Mišika)
* Moje sanje (My Dreams)
* Moji tašči (To My Mother-in-Law)
* Na avtocesti (Auf der Autobahn) (On the Highway)
* Na deželi (In the Country)
* Na festivalu (At the Festival)
* Na Golici (Trompeten Echo) (On Golica)
* Na Golici, na pomoč (On Golica, Help!)
* Na Gorjušah (In Gorjuše)
* Na Jezerskem (In Jezersko)
* Na Kranjskem sejmu (At the Kranj Fair)
* Na Krki sem ribce lovil (I Fished in the Krka)
* Na Krvavcu (On Krvavec)
* Na lovski veselici (On the Hunter's Fete)
* Na Martinovo (On St. Martin's Day)
* Na Menini planini (On the Menina Pasture)
* Na mostu (On the Bridge)
* Na oknu slonim (I Lean on the Window)
* Na planinski magistrali (On the Mountain Main Road)
* Na podeželju (In the Country)
* Na podstrešju (In the Attic)
* Na Poljški planini (At Poljška Pasture)
* Na promenadi (At the Promenade)
* Na Robleku (On Roblek)
* Na sejmu (At the Fair)
* Na smučarskem tečaju (At the Ski Course)
* Na svidenje (Goodbye)
* Na Šmarno goro (To Mount Saint Mary)
* Na tebe pa požvižgam se (I Don't Give a Hoot About You)
* Na valovih Jadrana (On the Waves of the Adriatic Sea)
* Na vrtu mojega očeta (In the Garden of My Father)
* Na Zbiljskem jezeru (At Lake Zbilje)
* Na zdravje vsem (Cheers to All)
* Na zdravje vsem (Cheers to All)
* Na Zelenici (At Zelenica ())
* Nabrala bom šopek cvetja (I Will Pick up a Bouquet of Flowers)
* Najin tango (Our Tango)
* Najina zvezda (Our Star)
* Najlepše je doma (It Is Most Beatuful at Home)
* Najlepši cvet (The Most Beautiful Flower)
* Narodna noša (The National Costume)
* Naš pozdrav (Our Greeting)
* Naša žlahta (Our Relatives)
* Našim znancem (To Our Acquaintances)
* Ne maraj za težave (Do not Care About Problems)
* Ne pozabi me (Don't Forget Me)
* Ne sveti zvezda v noč svetleje (The Star Doesn't Shine into the Night Brighter)
* Nedeljski izlet (The Sunday Trip)
* Nemirna mlada leta (The Restless Young Years)
* Nepozabni dnevi (Unforgettable Days)
* Neprespane noči (Sleepless Nights)
* Nežno šepetenje (The Gentle Whisper)
* Ni važno od kod si doma (It Doesn't Matter Where You Are from)
* Nikar domov (On no Account Go Home)
* Nobena ni lepša kot moja (None is more Beautiful than Mine)
* Nobena žavba ne pomaga več (No Salve Doesn't Help Anymore)
* Noč diši po pravljici (The Night Smells of a Fairytale)
* Novoletni koledar (The New Year Calendar)
* Novoletno voščilo: Zvezde na nebu žare (The New Year's Wish: The Stars Glow in the Sky)
* O, moj dragi (Oh, My Dear One)
* O, sveti Florjan (Oh, Saint Florian)
* Ob Dravi (At the Drava)
* Ob jezeru (At the Lake)
* Ob Ljubljanici (At the Ljubljanica)
* Ob slapu (At the Waterfall)
* Obisk na Koroškem (The Visit in Carinthia)
* Obisk v Lipici (The Visit in Lipica)
* Od Ljubljane do Maribora (From Ljubljana to Maribor)
* Odmev s Triglava (The Echo from Triglav)
* Oh ta žeja (Oh, this Thirst)
* Ohcet na Borlu (The Wedding at Borl ())
* Okajeni godci (The Tipsy Musicians)
* Okoli novega leta (Around the New Year)
* Oleandrov cvet (The Oleander Flower)
* Opravljivke (The Gossipmongers)
* Otoček sredi jezera (The Little Island in the Middle of the Lake)
* Otroške želje (The Child's Wishes)
* Pa se sliš (And It is Heard)
* Paradna polka (The Parade Polka)
* Pastirček (The Little Shepherd)
* Pesem o divjem petelinu (The Capercaille Poem)
* Pesem v spomin (The Poem to the Memory)
* Pijem rad in dobro jem (I Like to Drink and Eat Well)
* Pisani travniki (The Colourful Meadows)
* Planica, Planica
* Planinski cvet (The Mountain Flower)
* Planinski valček (The Mountain Waltz)
* Ples kurentov (The Kurent Dance)
* Po cvetličnih tratah (Across the Flower Meadows)
* Po cvetočih planinah (Across the Flowering Mountains)
* Po klančku gor, po klančku dol (Up the Little Slope, Down the Little Slope)
* Po trgatvi (After the Grape Harvest)
* Počitnice na kmetih (The Vacancies ot the Farm)
* Pod cvetočimi kostanji (Under the Flowering Chestnuts)
* Pod Dobrčo (Below Dobrča)
* Pod lipco (Under the Little Lime Tree)
* Pod ljubljanskim gradom (Below Ljubljana Castle)
* Pod Špikom (Below Špik)
* Pod Vitrancem (Below Vitranc)
* Pod zvezdnatim nebom (Under the Starry Sky)
* Pogled v dolino (View into the Valley)
* Pogled z Jalovca (View from Jalovec)
* Pohorski valček (The Pohorje Waltz)
* Pojdi z menoj na planino (Go with Me to the Pasture)
* Pokal - polka (The Cup – The Polka)
* Poleti, pozimi (In the Winter, in the Summer)
* Polka na Voglu (The Vogel Polka)
* Polka ostane polka (A Polka Remains a Polka)
* Polka za harmoniko (The Accordion Polka)
* Polka za klarinet (The Clarinet Polka)
* Polnočni zvonovi (The Midnight Bells)
* Pomladi je lepo (It Is Beautiful in the Spring)
* Pomladni nasmeh (The Spring Smile)
* Ponočnjaki (The Night Owls)
* Popolna zmeda (The Complete Mess)
* Posedam rad pred hišico (I Like to Sit in Front of my House)
* Poskočni klarineti (The Lively Clarinets)
* Potepanje s harmoniko (The Wandering with the Accordion)
* Povej mi, kje pomlad gostuje (Tell me Where the Spring Guests)
* Pozdrav iz Kranjske gore (The Greeting from Kranjska Gora)
* Pozdrav s Pohorja (The Greeting from Pohorje)
* Pozdrav s trobento (The Greeting with a Trumpet)
* Pozdrav Selški dolini (The Greeting to the Selca Valley)
* Pozno jeseni (In the Late Autumn)
* Praktično je le kolo (Only a Bicycle is Practical)
* Prav fletno se imamo (We're Really Groovy)
* Prava ljubezen (The True Love)
* Praznik Gorenjske (The Upper Carniola Feast)
* Praznik na vasi (The Village Feast)
* Praznik pršuta in terana (The Prosciutto and Terano Feast)
* Prehitro mimo je mladost (The Youth Passes too Quickly)
* Prekmurska polka (The Prekmurje Polka)
* Prelep je svet (The Magnificent World)
* Prelepa Gorenjska (The Magnificent Upper Carniola)
* Prelepa zelena Begunjščica (The Magnificent Green Begunjščica)
* Prelepi gorenjski cvet (The Magnificent Mountain Flower)
* Prelepi zimski čas (The Magnificent Winter Time)
* Premišljevanje (The Contemplation)
* Pri Jožovcu (At Jožovc's)
* Pri Matuču (At Matuč's)
* Pri nas doma (At Our Home)
* Pri sankaški koči (At the Sled Rider's Lodge)
* Pri sedmerih jezerih (At the Seven Lakes)
* Pri Valvazorjevi koči (At Valvasor Lodge)
* Prijateljem harmonike (To the Friends of the Accordion)
* Prijatelji, ostanimo prijatelji (Friends, Let Stay Friends)
* Proti jutru (Towards the Morning)
* Prvi sončni žarek (The First Sunray)
* Pustni valček (The Shrovetide Waltz)
* Pustovanje na Gorenjskem (The Shrovetide Celebration in Upper Carniola)
* Radovedni astronavt Franc (The Curious Astronaut Franc)
* Rana ura, huda ura (Early Hour, Angry Hour)
* Resje že cvete (The Heather Is Already in Flower)
* Rezka
* Romanca za kitaro (The Guitar Romance)
* Rosno mladi smo mi junaki bili nekoč (Some Day We the Heroes Were in the First Flush of Youth)
* S čolnom po Ljubljanici (With a Boat on the Ljubljanica)
* S harmoniko v hribe (With the Accordion to the Hills)
* S kitaro po svetu (With the Guitar Across the World)
* S kočijo v Bodešče (With a Carriage to Bodešče)
* S pesmijo našo (With Our Song)
* S polko v novo leto (With a Polka to the New Year)
* S trobento v svet (With the Trumpet into the World)
* Samo enkrat imaš 50 let (You're 50 Only Once)
* Samo enkrat se živi (You Only Live Once)
* Samo še en vrček (Only a Single Jug More)
* Sanjam o domovini (I Dream About my Homeland)
* Sem deklica za vse (I'm A General Dogsbody)
* Sem ter tja (To and Fro)
* Shujševalna kura (The Diet)
* Shujševalna kura, nevaren pivski napotek (The Diet, a Dangerous Drinking Advice)
* Silvestrski večer, zidarski napotek (The New Year's Eve, the Little Building Advice)
* Sinje morje, bela jadra (The Blue Sea, the White Sails)
* Skozi Tuhinjsko dolino (Through the Tuhinj Valley)
* Slalom polka (The Slalom Polka)
* Slovenija, od kod lepote tvoje (Slovenia, Where Your Beauties Are From)
* Slovenski pozdravi (The Slovene Greetings)
* Spomin (The Memory)
* Stara polka (The Old Polka)
* Tudi ti nekoč boš mamica postala (You Will Become a Mummy One Day Too)
* Veter nosi pesem mojo (The Wind Bears My Song)
* Za konec tedna (For the End of the Week)
* Za kratek čas (Lustig mit Gitare und ) (For the Short Time)
* Zinka, Zefka, Zofka

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